Please record any and all details of the accident and injury here. Don’t forget to get witness statements if possible.
Please record any and all details of the accident and injury here. Don’t forget to get witness statements if possible.
Please record behavior incidents here. All Club members are to adhere to our Club code. TSSC does not tolerate bullying, poor sportsmanship or disrespect of any kind.
Click here for How To steps to email your Parents & Athletes in Ski Club Pro
These can be emailed to along with a picture of your License & SS card and/or US Passport or dropped with your Director at the first weekend of training.
Q’s? Contact Anne-Britt, TSSC Controller, or 970-759-4886
As a member of USSS through TSSC, you are eligible for pro-form through ExpertVoice.
A wealth of information including Training Materials, TSSC Handbook, Incident Reports, etc