Purgatory Information Please Read!

Hello Everybody,

Please read the entirety of this email. We have more than 80 Telluride athletes attending the races this weekend. I have attached the Fact Sheet for this race; please read it. More importantly, the waiver for these races have to be done on-line. Do the waivers now!Here is the link:


The details for the SGS races Thursday and Friday were sent last night. Here is what you need to know for Saturday:

U14-19 athletes must be at Hoodies for registration at 7:00 am for a 7:30 load. The actual race schedule has not been made public, but I’m guessing it will be a 9:00 start.

U10-12 athletes and parents must be at Hoodies by 10:00 for registration. Again we do not know the schedule, but I’m guessing we will load the lift at 11:00 for a warmup before a 11:45 inspection.

A Telluride Age Class (U10-12) Group list with coaches will be posted on the outside window of Hoodies. We have 7 groups. That list is also attached to this email.

As always call with questions. LG 860-919-3072



Purgatory Classic 2019 – Fact Sheet