Alpine training Sun 12/25
Good Morning Please be prepared for both GS and All Mountain Skiing today. We will make a decision about what we wiil be doing this morning once arriving at the upper ckubhouse. ...
Good Morning Please be prepared for both GS and All Mountain Skiing today. We will make a decision about what we wiil be doing this morning once arriving at the upper ckubhouse. ...
Hey Everybody General Info:The official start of the season starts this Saturday. Please meet at the upper clubhouse by 9:30. We usually leave right at 9:30. It is important to be on time. This Saturday we will most likely take some time to sort out groups. Please...
IMPORTANT MESSAGE Hi Team Gravity & Big Mountain Juniors - It looks like our email may have been marked as SPAM by the powers that be, so we are experiencing some technical difficulties (you have to go to your spam folder in this case, you can't even do a search) ...
Please find the attached flyer regarding next week's Alpine event with Bode Miller! 1920_TSSCAlpineTeam_BodeFlyer...
Hello and Welcome, We are looking forward to a great season on the mountain with your young skiers. Our coaches are ready and excited to start the season. We want to make it very clear to all parents of athletes new to the program that the first two...
Team!! Super cool news!! What: Telluride Ski Tree Lighting Where: Elk's Park When: Tonight, Noel Night, 5:30 pm TSSC has been asked to take over the annual ceremonial lighting of the Telluride Ski Tree at Elk's Park on Noel Night (starting next year, but we're going for training this...
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th 5 pm - 7pm Discounts for TSSC Members! Fischer, Marker, Salomon ...
The TSSC Alpine Summer Camp at Mt Hood is officially on the calender. We will leave Telluride June 5, 2020 and return June 16. The on-snow dates will be June7-15. Official registration will be set up January 15, 2020. However, if you would like to...
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend! Because of the new snow arriving, the amount of terrrain open and the amount of guests on the mountain tomorrow, we are cancelling training and calling tomorrow Family Fun Day!!! We will have training Sunday for U14-19's 9:30 until noon. Slalom skis please. Please...